Saturday, 9 April 2016

Mingalaba Mandalay

Yesterday Taru and I said bye for now. She will stay in Inle Lake for the water festival, and I will continue my adventure. I arrived in Mandalay yesterday evening. While travelling 8 hours, 330 km through the mountains, and had the most insane driver, I managed to meet Pauline, who had a reservation at the same hostel as me, Four Rivers Hostel in Mandalay. After checking in we had dinner together in a restaurant nearby talking about travelling and life in general. 

Pauline and myself decided to rent a bicycle the next morning and explore Mandalay. 12 hours of exploring, taking photos, 40 kilometers and 2500 calories burnt, we saw the Mandalay Palace, Sandarmuni Pagoda and watched the sunset at the U-Bein Bridge. Cycling back from the bridge was a bit hard since it was dark, hectic traffic without any rules. When we finally made it back we ate a well deserved dinner and we even had ice cream for dessert! 

Tomorrow morning I will continue my trip once again. I will fly to Yangon again and from there towards Kuala Lumpur. I will spend a night and one day in Kuala Lumpur before continuing to my next destination Taipei, Taiwan. Anyway, my day in Mandalay with Pauline was amazing and so much fun! 

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